Friday, March 25, 2011

New in the Shop!

New Lambkins will be up in the shop this weekend! Here is the first one available now: *sold*

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey, My Boys Sew!

Mr. Red Hat3

Sewing is still sometimes seen as "a girly thing" to do and it just simply isn't the case. I believe all people should be taught how to sew, at least the basics, just the same as all people should be taught how to cook and clean. There’s a time in everyone's life when they will need a button replaced in a pinch or a small tear repaired before a special event and it’s a wonderful feeling to know you are capable of making those repairs. I am trying to teach both my sons how to do just that.

This past weekend my six year old son old plopped on my lap and we sewed on the sewing machine together. In no time at all, a simple naked rag doll who was affectionately named Mr. Red Hat, had a new pair of pants, then a jacket with a button closer too was made and of course that jacket needed a pocket! In the end my son chose a little mouse button from my special button stash and it was sewn into the pocket "because Mr. Red needed a friend" he said. We had so much fun!

Mr. Red Hat5
Mr. Red Hat4

 Although we had to stop sewing at that point, his imagination sure didn't. He said we should make a house for Mr. Red and we could even put a bathroom with a potty and a tub in it too and there should be a place for him to hang his beard up when he takes a bath.  “Ha ha, a detachable beard!?” I asked. Why didn’t I ever think of that? He went on to say that Mr. Red should have lots of beards in his closet so that he can wear different colors depending on his mood each day. What a crack up!

Mr. Red Hat2 
I hope when my sons are all grown up and living on their own they will be able to sew on that missing button or repair a tear in thier shirt before a big day, after all; it was their father who years ago paitiently taught me how to sew on a sewing machine to begin with!

Mr. Red Hat 1