Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gnome Hat Success!

 While my niece was visiting us I was thrilled to see her still wearing the red gnome hat I made a couple years ago from a recycled felted sweater. The pattern came from this book: Bend-the-Rules-Sewing by the talented Amy Karol. I really love every pattern in this book and keep pulling it out when there is a birthday party or baby shower that requires a gift.

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Mom's pictures and anchorage trip 235 

Mom's pictures and anchorage trip 234 
Gnome hats makes for some cute pictures too!

We came, We Saw, We Conquered!

 The Alaska State Fair!

We had another great two day trip to our state fair this summer. We were also happy to share it with my mother and niece who came to visit us.

Fair trip Sept. 2009 015 

Newly hatched chicks

Fair trip Sept. 2009 008 

Fair trip Sept. 2009 037 

Funny hats and silly hair: Required!

Fair trip Sept. 2009 042 

146.5 lbs Watermelon!

Fair trip Sept. 2009 040 

82.9 lbs Rutabaga!

Fair trip Sept. 2009 019 

Fuzzy little piggies

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And of course, lots of cotton candy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Can't Wait!!


My mother and niece are visiting us for two weeks! On Saturday we have tickets to The Lion King on stage!! I am so excited to see the amazing costumes and listen to the music!

**Update** The show was AMAZING!! I recommend for everyone to go if given the opportunity. Not only do the actors have to act and sing, but they also have to operate complicated props, puppets and costumes, and they do it all very well.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two More Finished!

These two will be going home together!

Custom Order for kim 013  

Custom Order for kim 014 

You can see more photos of the duo here.